From Michael Coulter
Summer starts this month and so do the first of the fruits of the season. All the berry fruit that we associate with Summer are in full production now. To keep them in production they need to have regular watering and protection from birds.
Later in the month some of the stone fruit will begin to ripen so a treatment for brown rot as soon as possible will help stop fruit loss to this disease.
As the weather gets warmer so does the need to look out for any increase in insect pest numbers on many of our fruit and vegetable crops.
Although we had a wet Winter and Spring irrigation in the garden is still needed to keep the surface soil were the plants are growing moist. This will ensure the best growth, especially for the more shallow rooted plants like Summer annuals and vegetable crops.
Lawns will benefit from weekly watering and regular mowing but remember, if you treated your lawn for weeds then you must not use the clippings for mulching or composting for at lest 6 mowings or longer.
For any gardening queries through the month you can consult our online facebook group
Mow once a week but not too low
Water as needed but not to excess as this may promote disease
Treat for grass grub and porina
Trim back edges before mowing as this keeps them more tidy
Fruit & Vegetable Garden
Continue to plant and sow seeds to ensure a continuous supply of crops
Give strawberries weekly liquid feeds to keep them growing and cropping
Sow parsnips for the Winter
Plant leeks
Thin out excess apple and pear developing fruit to give better fruit quality
Keep weeding before the weeds get too big
Harvest garlic once the tops have dried off
Flower Garden
Plant Summer annuals
Remove the dry leaves of daffodils and other Spring bulbs
Plant dahlias, chrysanthemums and begonias
Put in supports for taller perennials before they get too tall
Dead head roses as the flowers finish to promote new flowers
Prune any unwanted growth from rhododendrons as they finish flowering
Plant up hanging baskets and other containers with fuchsias, geraniums and annuals for colour around areas that have no garden