Owner: David Hobbs
Address: 250 Selwyn Road, Weedons near Christchurch
Phone: 0274 334 099
Email: david@broadfieldgarden.nz
Price $20 children free
NZGT 6 Star garden


Broadfield Garden is about 3.5 hectares established 30 years. It aims for excellence in design, planting and maintenance. Originality is a priority. Many natives are used formally and informally as are NZ raised varieties of Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Camellias, Cherry Cornus, Maples, Peony Perennials, Daffodils, Lily, and Roses.

It includes a Kauri forest with over 100+ trees and 100+ species of other Kauri forest trees, shrubs, climbers and ferns. Also a large beech forest, viewing mound, 120 m NZ border, a 140 m canal, sedge pond, formal rose garden, cricket oval and more. All framed in 1.5 km of totara hedges.

A NZ Garden Trust 5 stars garden.

Open: Open year round: 8.00 am to 4.30 pm Wednesday and Saturday and by arrangement.

Admission: Adults $20, Children free; Can accommodate large groups (bookings essential)

Directions: Take Shands Road from Hornby Mall corner 6kms bear half right to Selwyn Road 2kms – last gate on the right before Waterholes Road intersection.

Parking: There is a large parking area at the Gardens.