Address: Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch, 8030
Phone: (03) 941 8999
Established in 1863, the Christchurch Botanic Gardens encompass 33 hectares, the majority of which is inside the loop of the Avon River. Within this area is undoubtedly the finest collection of exotic and indigenous plants to be found anywhere in New Zealand. Large majestic trees and sweeping lawns form a magnificent background to various areas including the Rose, Rock, Water, Herb, Azalea, Fragrant, Woodland and Primula Gardens.
Extensive collections of annuals, perennials and New Zealand plants are also attractively grouped throughout the grounds. The conservatory complex consists of six specialist houses containing collections of tropical and temperate plants, cool greenhouse flowering plants, cacti, succulents, ferns and alpines.
Other Information
Guided tours operate depending on weather 11am – 4pm leaving from the gardens restaurant.
Open: Daily
Admission: No charge
Directions: Next to Canterbury Museum on Rolleston Ave, Christchurch city centre
Visitor Centre

The Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre is open daily from 8.30am – 5pm (except Christmas Day). Visitor Centre staff are happy to provide information on how to make the most of your visit to the Gardens, with seasonal maps showing flowering highlights as well as walking guides relating to different parts of the Gardens. For more information about the Visitor Centre please click here.
ilex café is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike and the ideal spot to relax and enjoy a coffee or lunch in beautiful surroundings. For café bookings please call 941 5556.