From the President – December 2015

From the Board, Uncategorized

Special thanks to all our members who led and participated in our display at the A&P Show. I saw many people talking to us there and this is an important part of our outreach programme. Christmas is almost upon us and we are all planning family events. There is no better environment for this than … Read More

Get to Know Richard Smith

Member of the Month

[one_half] Where were you born and where did you spend most of your childhood? Born in Christchurch and spent most of my childhood in what was then the small country town of Rolleston. Where do you live now and with whom? I live in bishopdale with my 10 year old ginger tom Beefa, who is … Read More

Christmas Eve Spiced Nut Cake with Caramel Frosting

Christmas Eve Spiced Nut Cake with Caramel Frosting


[one_third] Ingredients 250 g butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup fruit mincemeat 1 cup apricot jam 4 eggs 3 cups flour ¼ cup cocoa 1 tsp ground nutmeg 1 tsp ground cinnamon ½ tsp ground cloves 1 cup natural unsweetened yoghurt 1 tsp baking soda 1 cup raisins 1 cup walnuts, … Read More

Interactive Horticultural Workshop

Events, News

Great enthusiasm for hypertufa! It was a mild sunny morning on Saturday 10 October when 12 willing participants arrived at Magic Moss in Truro Street, Sumner carrying rubber gloves, gumboots and boxes of varying shapes and sizes. They were warmly welcomed by Allan who introduced Tim, his partner at Magic Moss, and Doug who was … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November 2015

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November 2015

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, New Zealand Natives, Plant Forum, Resources, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Trees & Shrubs

From Michael Coulter November is one of the really busy times in the garden as it is the end of Spring and the start of Summer. With the warmer and longer days plants and weeds grow at a very rapid rate as do many of the pests and diseases that will attack them. The weather … Read More

A Generous Benefactor & Lover of Gardening

From the Board, News

In March this year we were advised by Perpetual Guardian that the CHS was one of a number of beneficiaries of the estate of Audrey Valmai Batchelor. Other charities to benefit were Salvation Army, World Vision, Orana Wildlife Trust, Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society et al, a total of 12 charities in all. The … Read More