Thai-Burma Railway

Short & Long Breaks

In January 2016 the CHS lead a tour group to Thailand. Part of the itinerary is a visit to the Thai –Burma Railway,- often referred to as the “Death Railway”, because of the number of prisoners of war and civilians that died during its construction, was started in October 1942 and completed one short year later. … Read More

July 2015 Quiz Time Q & A

July 2015 Quiz Time Q & A

Quiz Time

Can you identify where these plant places are located? 1. Oakland 2. The Big Apple 3.  Kauri Cliffs  4. Yarrow Stadium 5. Kowhai Bush

View from the Deck – Public Parks & Spaces

View from the Deck – Public Parks & Spaces

View from the Deck

Alan Jolliffe shares his views on public spaces There seems to be a view that public gardens, squares and spaces are only valuable if they can provide an economic benefit. The continuing emphasis on the planning and development of event spaces, market spaces and the like needs to be balanced against the aesthetic nature of … Read More

Farmers’ Markets – an excellent alternative

Farmers’ Markets – an excellent alternative

News, News & Events

Think Global Act Local [two_third] A Farmers’ Market is a food market where local growers, farmers and artisan food producers sell their wares directly to consumers. Vendors may only sell what they grow, farm, pickle, preserve, bake, smoke or catch themselves from within a defined local area. Farmers’ Markets are springing up all over New … Read More

From the President – July 2015

From the Board

Last month’s Special General Meeting was attended by 31 members. It was passed unanimously that the CHS change the current 30 June financial year to a calendar year in order to reflect CHS activities. Membership subscriptions will continue to be sent out this month for a 12 month period. Confirmation of the Sale and Purchase … Read More

Special Skills Workshops

Special Skills Workshops


Worm Farming with Dougal McEachen is the next Special Skills Workshop. 10am-12pm Saturday 20 June. Learn how to: Start & grow a worm farm; Jump-start & maintain the Tumbleweed Can-O-Worms; Improve garden compostImprove garden soil; Recycle organic wastes.

ADMISSION PRICES: Free to CHS, $10 non-members $5 students 
Purchase online by clicking HERE or from the CHS Office