Strawberry & Beet Salad

Strawberry & Beet Salad


Ingredients 5 small beets (raw, tops removed) 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 400g strawberries 100g feta Rocket or salad greens 100ml balsamic vinegar 1 Tbs honey Boil the beets until they are tender when you stick them with a knife. Let them cool down then remove the skins and cut into quarters. In a heated pan, … Read More

From the President – February 2015

From the Board

Welcome to 2015. The Board face many challenges this year as we strive to provide value and excellence in horticulture for our members. There are many hard decisions to be made for the future growth of our Society and we ask for whole-hearted support from you all as we face some very exciting changes, beginning … Read More

Trees for Bees

Trees for Bees

Fruit & Vegetables, News & Events, The Flower Garden

Smart planting for healthy bees  Why Are Bees Important? Imagine a world without strawberries, kiwifruit, apples, nuts, coffee, chocolate or even denim jeans! And that’s only the beginning. One mouthful in three and nearly ¾ of the diversity of our daily food is directly attributed to Bee pollination. Billions of dollars in NZ export earnings depend … Read More

Get to know Amanda Clifford

Member of the Month

Where were you born and where did you spend most of your childhood? I was born in Dallington, Christchurch and have lived in that area all my life apart from 3 years living in the UK What aroused your interest in gardening or horticulture? My grandparents and parents have always gardened. At primary school I … Read More

Christmas Quiz 2014

Christmas Quiz 2014

Quiz Time

A Quiz to get you in the Christmas Spirit! Of all the trees in the wood which one bears the crown? Which tree gives frankincense? What is known as the New Zealand Christmas tree? Which is the traditional Christmas tree? Which tree gives myrrh? Under what did Mummy kiss Santa Claus? On which plant material … Read More

Norfolk Island Tour Report

Norfolk Island Tour Report

Recent Photos, Recent Tours & Photos

Soon after landing on Norfolk Island we were met by the President and members of the local garden club who put on the friendliest of greetings and a most welcome afternoon tea at the home of Jane Evans (head gardener, Government House). This relaxing time set the tone for our experiences for the remainder of … Read More

Garden Trends

Garden Trends

From the Board, News & Events

US-based Garden Media has been producing garden trend reports for 14 years and the 2015 report makes interesting reading. Gardening was found to go hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. “People see both outdoor and indoor spaces as extensions of themselves and are making conscious decisions to use plants and garden products as “tools” … Read More