Papanui-Innes Results 2018

Papanui-Innes Results 2018

Edible Garden Awards, Events, Fruit & Vegetables

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2018 Edible Garden Awards. The CHS partnered with the CCC to presented these awards at a special ceremony on Thursday 22 March at the Chapel Street Centre. [one_half] Those who gained special recognition include: Best Gardens Residential House: Ann Powley, Shirley Residential Unit: James Cumming, Redwood Community Gardens Best … Read More

Edible Garden Award Results 2017

Edible Garden Award Results 2017

Edible Garden Awards, Uncategorized

Best in Show Rochelle Morgan’s garden (below left) took out the residential house category, while Shirley Boys High crop (below right) won the school or early learning centre category. THE FIFTH annual Papanui – Innes Edible Garden Awards were held on Thursday. The awards ceremony attracted more than 50 guests as well as elected members … Read More

Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Edible Garden Awards 2014

Archive, Edible Garden Awards

Recognising Edible Gardens in the Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Area Nominations close Friday 21 February 2014 Growing food is good for so many reasons. The produce is cheap, nutritious and delicious. Gardening is good exercise out in the fresh air, and when we are successful we enjoy great satisfaction. Not having to drive into town to buy food trucked or flown … Read More

Shrley/Papanui Sustainable Edible Garden Awards 2014

Archive, Edible Garden Awards

Nominations close 5pm Friday 21 February 2014

In partnership with the Canterbury Horticultural Society, the Sustainable Edible Garden Awards within the Shirley/Papanui ward is a wonderful way to acknowledge and celebrate those local residents, schools and communities who are passionate about their gardens and their bountiful harvests.