Monthly Tips & Tasks May 2014

Monthly Tips & Tasks May 2014

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

Flower Garden Carry on with bulb planting. Remember many bulbs do just as well in pots. Plant Spring flowering plants such as polyanthus, primulas, pansies, poppies and forget-me-nots. Lift dahlias and begonias after frosts, cut back the tops and store in a cool dark place. Cut back by about 1/3 chrysanthemums as the flowers finish. … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks November 2013

Garden Life, Monthly Tips & Tasks

It has been rather windy.  I lost a few panels on my growing tunnels although the last couple of days have been really nice. We can still expect the odd windy spell.  It has been an interesting spring.  N.I.W.A. said a number of weather records around the country were broken in October  –  some a … Read More