Monthly Tips & Tasks – February 2016

Monthly Tips & Tasks – February 2016

Monthly Tips & Tasks

Summer is a real mixed bag of weather with some hot days and then some quite cool days, still not much rain and plenty of wind. Many of the early Spring sown or planted crops are now finished so they can be pulled out and the ground prepared for the planting of Winter crops. Leeks, … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November 2015

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November 2015

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, New Zealand Natives, Plant Forum, Resources, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Trees & Shrubs

From Michael Coulter November is one of the really busy times in the garden as it is the end of Spring and the start of Summer. With the warmer and longer days plants and weeds grow at a very rapid rate as do many of the pests and diseases that will attack them. The weather … Read More