Monthly Tips & Tasks – June

Monthly Tips & Tasks – June

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

June means winter is here. Fortunately we’ve had some rain but more is needed to increase soil moisture to a point were it is no longer in deficit.
The last of the leaves will have fallen so now is the time to give the whole garden a good clean up, removing all the leaves, weeds and plants that have finished.
Pruning fruit trees can be started but only on fine sunny days, there is no great hurry yet!

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Autumn Gardening, Blog, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

May heralds the end of autumn and the beginning of winter so many of the tasks this month involve cleaning up around the garden and doing repairs and maintenance on green houses, shade houses and any structures used for climbing plants. Autumn has been mild and dry so far, so many of the plants have not yet dried off (dahlias and begonias) or frosted back. This may delay lifting them for the winter but if you want to plant some of the winter /spring plants you can lift them and place them in trays to dry off. Spring bulbs will need to be planted before the end of the month as the colder wetter weather will make it more difficult once it arrives.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Fruit & Vegetables, Garden Life, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden

The longer days of Summer are here along with the warmer days and nights which means plants will grow rapidly. There are many tasks in the garden that will need to be attended to on a regular schedule.
We have had some useful rain in the last month but not enough to sustain good plant growth so watering is needed. Watering is best directed to the areas of the root zone of the plants and given a good soaking so that they may need to be watered about once every 10 to 14 days dependant on how hot and windy the weather has been.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November

Blog, Fruit & Vegetables, Garden Life, Monthly Tips & Tasks, News & Events, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden

As I write this it has been raining overnight (18mm) which is the first real rain that we have had over the last month, the plants will really appreciate this and it will mean a few days without the need to water the garden.

I noticed that some plants are showing signs of significant frost damage which is causing the leaves to be rather distorted. This may appear as if the plants have been harmed by a herbicide, given time they should grow through the damage.

The frost may have also caused the fruit set on stone fruit plants to drop so it may be a light crop this year.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – October

Monthly Tips & Tasks – October

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, Spring Gardening

Spring has now arrived and in my garden plants are really moving into growth. The weather has been on the dry side with only 4mm of rain at the time of writing, for August we would expect 40mm so it is dry. The Spring bulbs will need to have some water if this dry spell continues so that they can grow well and be in good condition to produce flowers next year.

The apricot, peach and nectarine are in full flower now which is about 2 weeks earlier than usual so hopefully there will not be any hard frosts that can damage the flowers. The soil is now dry enough to dig over and work up to make a good friable soil ready for seed sowing or the transplanting of seedlings. read more…

Monthly Tips & Tasks – September

Monthly Tips & Tasks – September

Blog, Fruit & Vegetables, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Spring Gardening, The Flower Garden

Spring has now arrived and in my garden plants are really moving into growth. The weather has been on the dry side with only 4mm of rain at the time of writing, for August we would expect 40mm so it is dry. The Spring bulbs will need to have some water if this dry spell continues so that they can grow well and be in good condition to produce flowers next year.

The apricot, peach and nectarine are in full flower now which is about 2 weeks earlier than usual so hopefully there will not be any hard frosts that can damage the flowers. The soil is now dry enough to dig over and work up to make a good friable soil ready for seed sowing or the transplanting of seedlings. read more…

Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

August is a month of transition from the cold of Winter to the more changeable weather of the late Winter and early Spring at the end of the month. I can already see the daffodils budding up and other plants around the garden showing the signs of the coming season.

The pruning of fruit trees, roses, grapes and any other trees should be completed by the end of the month. Winter spray of copper and conquer oil should be done before the buds completely burst into leaf to get the most benefit from the sprays. As the soil becomes more workable gardens should be cultivated, green crops and compost dug in to prepare the ground for planting or seed sowing in a few weeks time. Some early seeds may be sown indoors so that the seedlings will be ready for planting out in about six weeks time. This month is still a good time for the planting of deciduous fruit trees, citrus and other shrubs.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – July

Monthly Tips & Tasks – July

Fruit & Vegetables, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Winter Gardening

July is the month where the real Winter weather kicks in. The trees have lost all their leaves, the ground is cold and wet and the garden looks gloomy. But there is activity in the ground, my daffodils are just starting to come through, my snow drops are almost in flower and some of the primulas are beginning to flower.

We are past the shortest day although we will not notice the days getting longer for a few weeks yet. On the fine sunny days take the opportunity to prune fruit trees, roses and other deciduous plants.

We are now thinking about the tasks that we will need to do in the Winter. Pruning, planting new trees and the final clean up of the leaves and weeds in the flower and vegetable gardens. Dahlias and chrysanthemums will benefit from lifting out of the ground and stored in a cool dry place protected from the frosts and wet (chrysanthemums are put into trays of potting mix or compost and put into a greenhouse or a sheltered spot).