Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Autumn Gardening, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, New Zealand Natives, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

In May we are well into Autumn and Winter is about to start. This means that we will slow down on what we need to do around the garden.

Most of the work involves general maintenance and cleaning up, in and around the garden by removing weeds, crop residues, lifting Summer perennials and bulbs and preparing ground for new plantings later in the Spring.

Papanui-Innes Results 2018

Papanui-Innes Results 2018

Edible Garden Awards, Events, Fruit & Vegetables

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2018 Edible Garden Awards. The CHS partnered with the CCC to presented these awards at a special ceremony on Thursday 22 March at the Chapel Street Centre. [one_half] Those who gained special recognition include: Best Gardens Residential House: Ann Powley, Shirley Residential Unit: James Cumming, Redwood Community Gardens Best … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Fruit & Vegetables, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Winter Gardening

August is the last month of Winter or the start of Spring? This is my annual quandary because it is a bit of both; cold and wet at the start then becoming milder as the first signs of growth and flowers appear. This is the time when we should complete Winter pruning and spray programmes on fruit trees and plant new fruit trees, and berry fruits.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – July

Monthly Tips & Tasks – July

Fruit & Vegetables, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

Winter has arrived and the weather is its usual mixture of wet, cold and windy. The sunshine hours are below the average for this time of the year too, making it feel much colder and wetter than it really is. Strong winds have caused damage to the trees and other plants in the garden. Its important to repair this damage as soon as possible, do this by pruning out the broken branches to healthy wood.