Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Monthly Tips & Tasks – August

Autumn Gardening, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Plant Forum, This Month in the Garden

June has been a very frustrating month in the garden with little sun and plenty of rain and drizzle. Because of these conditions I have done little in the outside garden but have spent time in the greenhouses doing maintenance and sorting out plants that are past their best.

This weather pattern looks as though it may continue for some time so we will have to wait until we get some good sunny days for that outside work. There is no need to worry as there is still plenty of Winter to come to get those outside tasks completed.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Autumn Gardening, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, New Zealand Natives, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

In May we are well into Autumn and Winter is about to start. This means that we will slow down on what we need to do around the garden.

Most of the work involves general maintenance and cleaning up, in and around the garden by removing weeds, crop residues, lifting Summer perennials and bulbs and preparing ground for new plantings later in the Spring.

Monthly Tips & Tasks March 2015

Monthly Tips & Tasks March 2015

Autumn Gardening, Monthly Tips & Tasks

Michael Coulter’s Top Tasks We are now getting well through Summer and have had to put up with some challenges, hot and dry weather especially, which has effected how the garden has responded. In the vegetable garden regular deep watering has given me abundant crops of high quality produce but I have needed extra fertilisers … Read More