Herb of the Month – Five Season Herb

Herb of the Month – Five Season Herb

Herb of the Month

Five Season Herb Plectranthus (Coleus) ambionicus  – family lamiaceae (mint) A member of the well known, ornamental Coleus, widely grown as a decorative garden plant for its attractive variegated red leaves. Cream bordered This plant is becoming popular and sought after. There have recently been several enquiries about it. There are two varieties now available … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – February

Monthly Tips & Tasks – February

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden

We are now in Summer with plenty of hot weather and the usual periods of wind and little rain, all of which puts stress on plants and gives us the problem of keeping them growing and healthy.

Most of the berry fruits are finishing and the stone fruits are reaching their main production now, then to follow is the pip fruit.

The fruit crops that we are harvesting now are the results of the cultivation that we gave them over the last Winter and Spring so if the results are not up to expectations then review what was done to identify what needs to be done to improve the next crop.

Although winter is still a long way off we do need to be prepared. Spring bulbs will soon be in the garden centres but it is still too soon to plant most of them so choose the best quality bulbs and keep them until the time is right in the Autumn.

Most of the tasks around the garden at this time of the year is what I call maintenance gardening; weeding, watering, pest and disease control and of course, harvesting.

Herbs for Pest & Disease Control

Herbs for Pest & Disease Control

Herb of the Month

from Canterbury Herb Society [one_half] Basil is good for tomato fly Borage is good for tomatoes & attracts bees. Calendula tomatoes and attracts bees  Camomile cabbage and onions Caraway peas Chervil  radishes Dill  cabbage Fennel  green aphid Garlic silver blight, aphid, codlin moth Horseradish potatoes Hyssop cabbage-butterfy, grapes [/one_half] [one_half_last] Marjoram tomatoes, cucumbers Nasturtim woolly … Read More

Herb of the Month – Briar Rose Rosa rubiginosa

Herb of the Month – Briar Rose Rosa rubiginosa

Herb of the Month

Common names –Sweet Briar, Eglantine Rose The species is native to Europe, Western Asia and South America. It is a deciduous, thorny, woody, hardy shrub. It is branched from the ground to 3 – 4 metres and does well in arid conditions. It was brought to New Zealand early on as a deciduous ornamental for its … Read More

Herb of the Month – Rosemary

Herb of the Month – Rosemary

Herb of the Month

ROSEMARY Rosmarinus officinalis “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance” – Shakespeare, (Hamlet) This had to be the herb for the 50th Anniversary of the Canterbury Herb Society. Native to the Mediterranean and Asia, the Latin name Rosmarinus translates as “dew of the sea” due not only to its native habitat but the dew like blossoms seen at a … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Fruit & Vegetables, Landscape Design Tips, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Summer Gardening, The Flower Garden

December is the real start of Summer and after a very changeable Spring we look forward to a more settled and warmer time. Overall Spring has been a good growing season and as a result there has been a good set of both stone and pip. Because of this there is a need to thin out the developing fruit so that the size and quality of the crop is achieved.

The planting of Summer annuals needs to be completed and with the possibility of water restrictions mulching in as much of the garden areas as possible should be done to help retain soil moisture.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November

Monthly Tips & Tasks, This Month in the Garden

November for me is the busiest time of the growing season with much to do and plenty to enjoy.

The weather is as expected in the Spring, changeable but showing signs as predicted, trending towards dryer than average, slightly warmer and sunny. This makes the season earlier so the need to mulch around the garden to help retain moisture becomes important.

News from the Fruit & Vege growers

News from the Fruit & Vege growers

Fruit & Vegetables, Specialist Circles, Summer Gardening

In October’s meeting Alan Jolliffe shared a new product which helps to prevent Codling Moth on apple trees. ‘Bird Proof’, is a non-toxic, tacky repellent gel which can be used to form a repellent band on the tree-trunk which lasts for several seasons.

Peter Saunders provided the third instalment of A Visual Guide to Gardening through the Year complete with a slide-show. His tomatoes in the tunnel house are now flowering. He uses trickle irrigation to ensure water gets to the roots and not the weeds. This also prevents an overly humid atmosphere which can encourage fungal diseases.

Herb of the Month – Frankincense

Herb of the Month – Frankincense

Herb of the Month

What is Frankincense? Frankincense is the aromatic resin used in incense and perfume obtained from five trees in the genus Boswellia. The Frankincense or Olibanum trees have a papery bark, sparse branches, paired leaves and white flowers with yellow or red centres. They are native to the arid stony dry lands of the Arabian Peninsula … Read More