Life in the Garden with Alan Jolliffe

Life in the Garden with Alan Jolliffe

Autumn Gardening, Fruit & Vegetables, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

March Gardening Update Canterbury Gardens in Autumn March is ideal for harvesting fruit and vegetables. Surplus produce is common, and freezing remains the most popular preservation method—it’s quick, easy, and cost-effective. Clean, blanch, cool, dry, and pack vegetables into freezer bags before freezing. Bottling fruit and beetroot, while more time-consuming, adds colour to your pantry … Read More

Acers – Plant of the Month

Acers – Plant of the Month

Landscape Design Tips, Plant Forum, Plant of the Month

Many thanks to Portstone Garden Centre for this update. CHS Members enjoy a 15% discount at Portstone Garden Centre   Plant of the Month Acers, commonly known as Japanese Maples are a fantastic addition to any garden for their beauty, versatility, and low maintenance requirements. One of their main attractions is the stunning foliage, … Read More



Herb of the Month, News & Events, Plant Forum, Trees & Shrubs

Rosemary The plant’s botanical name used to be called Rosmarinus officinalis but it was decided by the RHS in 2019, the plant is now to be called Salvia rosmarinus, following research that shows it’s a salvia (in the sage family). Rosemary is the herb of remembrance.  The scent of the needle-like leaves seems somewhere between the tang of … Read More

Monthly Tips & Tasks – June

Monthly Tips & Tasks – June

Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden, Winter Gardening

June means winter is here. Fortunately we’ve had some rain but more is needed to increase soil moisture to a point were it is no longer in deficit.
The last of the leaves will have fallen so now is the time to give the whole garden a good clean up, removing all the leaves, weeds and plants that have finished.
Pruning fruit trees can be started but only on fine sunny days, there is no great hurry yet!

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Monthly Tips & Tasks – May

Autumn Gardening, Blog, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden

May heralds the end of autumn and the beginning of winter so many of the tasks this month involve cleaning up around the garden and doing repairs and maintenance on green houses, shade houses and any structures used for climbing plants. Autumn has been mild and dry so far, so many of the plants have not yet dried off (dahlias and begonias) or frosted back. This may delay lifting them for the winter but if you want to plant some of the winter /spring plants you can lift them and place them in trays to dry off. Spring bulbs will need to be planted before the end of the month as the colder wetter weather will make it more difficult once it arrives.

Monthly Tips & Tasks – April

Monthly Tips & Tasks – April

Autumn Gardening, Monthly Tips & Tasks, News, News & Events, Plant Forum, The Flower Garden, This Month in the Garden

April is the real month of autumn when the trees put on their spectacle of coloured leaves. Although we are approaching the end of the growing season for summer fruit, vegetables and flowers, we still have time to prepare the ground for the autumn planting of trees and shrubs.
This is a busy month for bulb planting and for winter annuals such as pansies, violas, polyanthus, primulas, wall flowers, forget-me-nots and poppies.