Monthly Tips & Tasks – March

Monthly Tips & Tasks – March

Autumn Gardening, Fruit & Vegetables, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, The Flower Garden, Uncategorized

As I write this we are still experiencing changeable Spring weather, but in spite of this there has been plenty of good plant growth. Although we have had some rain it has been intermittent and the warmer temperatures have meant that some watering is still required. The planting of Summer vegetables and bedding plants should be completed by Christmas to give the plants time to grow to maturity. read more…

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Monthly Tips & Tasks – February

Monthly Tips & Tasks – February

Fruit & Vegetables, Garden Life, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Summer Gardening

As I write this we are still experiencing changeable Spring weather, but in spite of this there has been plenty of good plant growth. Although we have had some rain it has been intermittent and the warmer temperatures have meant that some watering is still required. The planting of Summer vegetables and bedding plants should be completed by Christmas to give the plants time to grow to maturity. read more…

Become a Member of the CHS

Become a Member of the CHS

News & Events

Purchase now and your CHS membership will be valid right through until the end of December 2020. $50 single / $75 double!

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Monthly Tips & Tasks – December

Fruit & Vegetables, Garden Life, Homepage, Lawns, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Summer Gardening, This Month in the Garden

As I write this we are still experiencing changeable Spring weather, but in spite of this there has been plenty of good plant growth. Although we have had some rain it has been intermittent and the warmer temperatures have meant that some watering is still required. The planting of Summer vegetables and bedding plants should be completed by Christmas to give the plants time to grow to maturity. read more…

Garden Life

Garden Life

News & Events

Our Flagship Gardening Programme.
Held twice a month starting with the first Monday evening of the month
7pm-9pm followed by the Tuesday morning
9.45am – 11.45am

The Kiosk
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
CHS Members: $5, non-members: $10
Tea, coffee and biscuits included. CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST PROGRAMME

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November

Monthly Tips & Tasks – November

Fruit & Vegetables, Monthly Tips & Tasks, Spring Gardening

The very changeable Spring weather of the last month will hopefully change to the more settled warmer weather that we expect this month. We are now in the month which we do most of our planting and sowing. In the vegetable garden it is time to plant and sowing of all the warmer loving plants. Many of the earlier planted crops will begin to grow faster and be ready for harvesting. Weeding and watering will be needed as the temperatures increase and the days are longer. Fruit trees will be getting to end of their flowering so the time for treatment for codling moth, caterpillars and aphids will be here. Soft fruits will be starting ripen so will need to be covered to protect them from the birds.

Romancing the Rose

Herb of the Month

Our first roses will  be blooming now. So many types and varieties grow almost world wide. The name for a “rose’ is almost the same in any European language, an indication of its antiquity.

Early poets all sang praises of the rose. Dried roses have been found in Egyptian tombs. “Rose” by any name signifies joy, beauty and  love. During the medieval period people associated the rose with Spring and fertility, also with pleasure and enjoyment.

Amazing Weed-inspired Pesto Recipes

Amazing Weed-inspired Pesto Recipes

Homepage, Recipes

September’s Eat Your Weeds workshop hosted by Cathy Bouma of Tuahiwi Herbs was a sell-out success. Thirty participants enjoyed Cathy’s lively presentation and demonstration of various weed-inspired foods and flavours. Everyone enjoyed the herbal infused teas and went away inspired to experiment for themselves. Check out these amazing weed-inspired pesto recipes!