September 2014 Quiz Time Q & A
What is the Maori name for: White Pine Lancewood Tree Fern Bull Rush NZ Christmas tree
What is the Maori name for: White Pine Lancewood Tree Fern Bull Rush NZ Christmas tree
Wednesday 12 November 2014 1pm – 5pm, 451 Ridge Rd, Motukarara Enjoy a talk and walk around these beautiful gardens followed by a delicious devonshire tea. Established in 1998 the Iris Garden is filled with many varieties of iris, peony roses, camellias and flowering shrubs and roses, all surrounded by established macrocarpa hedges. Potted Iris … Read More
Friday 31 October 2014 9am – 5.30pm ‘Flaxmere’ Hawarden, North Canterbury We start our tour at the stunning Amberley gardens of Pat Corbett and Helen Russell where we also enjoy morning tea. Travel through the Weka Pass to Waikari with a short visit to “Possum & Pam’s” gift shop before arriving at ‘Flaxmere’ for a … Read More
What is the Maori name for: Cabbage Tree Red Pine Emerging fern frond Flax Wild Irishman
I know the Christchurch City Council is struggling to get things right now there is some more action in the CBD BUT (there is always a but) I see little in the way of vision, futures thinking and the alignment of projects, road design, open spaces, activities and other development that will create a City … Read More
August is one of the coldest months of the year but it is also the Winter month closest to Spring so our thoughts must now turn to the tasks needed to be completed as Spring approaches. Much of the work is preparation for the sowing of seeds, planting and cleaning up of weeds. As the days lengthen day time temperature can be quite warm which can bring on new growth but be aware that nights will still be cold and there will be plenty of frosts to come.
Honorary Member, Neiel Drain gives wonderful insight into the commitment and dedication of many past, and present members, and their contribution to the Society’s various flower shows and garden competitions over many decades.
A Christchurch landscape architect does not believe plans for the new Christchurch CBD will respect the natural landscape and eco-systems of the area.
Di Lucas said the plans did not show any consideration for the natural land and she would be making a submission against the draft residential chapter Recovery Plan ‘ A Liveable City.’
She spoke about her concerns at the Winter Speaker Series hosted by the Christchurch Horticulture Society last Thursday (17 July 2014)
Thursday 4 September 2014 10.00am – 3.00pm Leeston Half Day Tour to David Bell’s Daffodil Farm Enjoy a tour and talk with hosts Stu & June McLachaln with an opportunity to pick your own bunch of quality Daffodils to take home. Followed by afternoon tea at Silverwood, Jo Free’s graceful country garden, laid out with … Read More
Choconut Slice This recipe is from Annabel Langbein’s ‘The Free Range Cook: Simple Pleasures’ and is her decadent update of an oldie but a goodie that used to feature on the back of condensed milk cans. Ingredients 150g melted butter 270g plain biscuits, crushed to fine crumbs 2 tbsp. cocoa 1 cup shredded coconut 1 … Read More