Our Living Landscape 2018: Native Plant Regeneration 

Four highly qualified and experienced speakers presented this series of stimulating talks which culminated in the M J Barnett Memorial Lecture on Thursday 16 August 2018.

A Biota Node in the Backyard – Native plant regeneration in the urban landscape
Thursday 14 June 2018

Wilding Conifers – Landscape scale weeding
Thursday 12 July 2018

Trees for Canterbury, More than just a nursery for plants!
Steve spoke on what Trees for Canterbury have done and where they are at today, including what they do other than just growing native plants. www.treesforcanterbury.org.nz
For those of you who missed his talk you can listen to the podcast here

Jason Butt
Thursday 16 August 7pm

The M J Barnett Memorial Lecture is conducted by the Canterbury Horticultural Society in honour of the memory of the late Mr M J Barnett, Director of the Christchurch Botanic Gardens for over 30 years.

Don’t Panic! It’s Only Nature
The regeneration of ecosystems – a Canterbury perspective

Nature has been building up ecosystems and tearing them down again since the first organisms organised themselves into ecosystems. These processes are occurring at a much-accelerated pace giving species little time to adapt. This is compounded by a massively accelerated migration of species.

Indigenous ecosystem regeneration happens whether we like it or not. Many of us have no idea it is happening. Jason will be talking about some of the forms it takes and will be covering some of the less obvious ecosystem types – many of which are lost because they are poorly understood or recognised.

Life started for Jason in Christchurch and here he has resided since. His working life started as a stained glass artist, however, following a long gestation, at the age of 30 he decided what he wanted to do when he grew up. It turned out to be much the same as what he did with his time as a child – enjoying the natural world. This took the shape of working for Wai-Ora Forest Landscapes. In addition to managing a business unit that delivered ecological restoration services, he assumed responsibility for collecting the seed for the company’s nursery that produces eco-sourced plants. Currently he works for the Canterbury Regional Council as Biodiversity Officer for the Waimakariri Zone.
