Spring Gardening Tips in Canterbury

This Spring is following a typical weather pattern with warm westerlies and brief cold southerlies, which have not yet provided enough rain to meet the annual average. The cold North-Easterlies typical of Christchurch Spring have not been prevalent so far, which may indicate a milder season.

Now is the time to confidently start Spring seed sowing and planting. Spring bulbs are finishing flowering but still require feeding, watering, and removing seed heads to build reserves for next year. As the garden comes to life after winter, there may be plants that need replacing or gaps that need filling—consider planting some Summer or Autumn flowering perennials or bulbs for colour. Shrubs that have finished flowering can now be pruned to maintain their shape and encourage growth for next year’s blooms.

Weeds thrive this time of year, so it’s crucial to stay on top of them, especially when they're small—just a quick hoe on a sunny morning should do. Water conservation is essential, so consider mulching, using tap timers for sprinklers, low-pressure soak hoses, and weeper hoses permanently in borders. Now is the time to set up and check watering systems and hoses before they are needed. Most stone fruit will have finished flowering, so pest and disease sprays can be applied without affecting bees. Pip fruit trees are in full bloom, so avoid using sprays harmful to bees.

The vegetable garden needs attention this month as most crops can be planted, but be cautious about planting outside those that need warmer weather. Some crops like climbing beans, courgettes, and cucumbers can be started in a greenhouse and transplanted later.

Lawns grow quickly during this time, needing mowing every 5 to 6 days to stay manageable. New lawns can be sown, but it’s crucial to maintain moisture during germination for the best results.

Spring is a busy time in the garden, so enjoy it and look forward to the rewards later on.

Good Gardening, Michael Coulter

Remember: questions can be posted on HortTalk our online facebook group or you can email Michael directly at: coultchrys@xtra.co.nz