From Michael Coulter
I have just returned from three weeks in Australia were I visited many Botanic gardens both public and private. I noticed that the public Gardens all had Friends of the Gardens or Garden Clubs that worked in with the running of the gardens. It was noticeable that facilities, art work and courses were all provided in partnership with the Garden staff. This is what I would like to see develop here in our Botanic Gardens.
I have received the latest seed catalogue from Kings Seeds so will now decide what my requirements for the coming season will be. The sooner I get the order in I am sure to get what I want
This reminds me that preparation for the Spring must start now. Tasks such as washing pots, seed trays and benches need to be completed.
August is the month in which I like to have all my pruning completed, lawn mower serviced and fruit trees treated with conquer oil and copper sprays.
In the vegetable garden ground should be dug over and compost dug in and lime applied if needed. Also weeding garlic and broad beans.
As Winter flowering shrubs finish flowering they should be pruned to encourage growth for next Winter’s flowers.
Lawns need little work at this time so it better to keep off them, especially if they are wet or frosty. They may need a mow but only do so at a height that will cut the very taller grass to keep the lawn tidy.
Spring bulbs are appearing and to help them to have good stems an application of a potash fertiliser will be needed. Plants that are grown in pots that need re-potting should be re-potted before they start their Spring growth to get the most benefit from the re-potting.
Happy gardening and look forward to Spring
Michael Coulter
For any gardening queries refer through the month you can consult our online facebook group