Portstone Garden Centre

Many thanks to Portstone Garden Centre for this update.

CHS Members enjoy a 15% discount at Portstone Garden Centre



Get the very best from your Fruit Trees this season

To ensure the health and productivity of deciduous fruit trees, it is best to prune them in winter. Follow these steps for optimal results:

  1. Remove Unhealthy Branches: Start by removing any dead, diseased, or damaged branches.
  2. Create an Open Structure: Aim to create an open, outward-facing branch system to promote better air circulation and light penetration.
  3. Pruning Young Trees:
    • For first- and second-year trees, cut back branches by half.
  4. Managing Mature Trees:
    • For trees older than three years, determine the maximum height you want the tree to reach and prevent it from growing taller than that.
  5. Making Cuts:
    • Make cuts just above outward-facing buds at a 45-degree angle to direct water away from the bud.
  6. Tools:
    • Use high-quality secateurs and saws for clean cuts.
  7. Disease Prevention:
    • After pruning, spray the trees to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases. Copper-based sprays, such as Grosafe Freeflo Copper or Yates Liquid Copper, are recommended for application during winter while the trees are dormant.
    • Apply the copper spray when the leaves are falling and repeat every four weeks until buds start to swell.
  8. Insect Control:
    • About seven days after a copper application, use a spraying oil like Grosafe Enspray 99 to control insects that hibernate over the winter.
    • Spray again in early spring for continued protection.
  9. Frost Protection:
    • Cover your fruit trees with frost cloth when they begin to blossom to protect new buds from late frosts, which can destroy your crop.
  10. Soil Management:
  • Keep the soil moist to help absorb and store heat during the day, which can protect against cold night temperatures.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your deciduous fruit trees remain healthy and productive throughout the growing season.


Many thanks to Portstone Garden Centre for this update.

CHS Members enjoy a 15% discount at Portstone Garden Centre